10/31/2012 0 Comments Halloween | Native GirlHello!
So this costume was borrowed from a friend and I wore this out to my campus pub night for this Halloween. I got tonnes of compliments so I'm happy I ended up wearing this! It has the most hilarious name..."Pocahottie". I love Pocahontas and am not going to call this look that because if you are a Disney fan like myself you know damn well this is nowhere near her look. But that is ok, I'm happy with Native Girl (or as I called myself, Pale Face). I'll add in a few photos of me and my friends with our costumes!
10/30/2012 0 Comments Halloween | Caribbean Carnival GirlHello!
So for this look I recorded it last year for Halloween but didn't get to upload it. So I still have my red and blonde hair in the video. I don't have any close up photos of the makeup but I have some photos of the full costume I was wearing to an event on campus. It was called Cold Sweat and it was put on by the Caribbean & African student associations on campus for a night of good dancing and music. Hope you enjoy it anyways! 10/30/2012 0 Comments Halloween | MulanHello!
Here is my Mulan inspired look. I was going to call it Oriental Princess, or something to do with ice but really my thoughts always go back to Mulan and the opening scene of her going to the match maker. I've owned this dress since I was in grade 8 (eight years ago now -- eekk!) because it was bought as my graduation dress. I didn't end up wearing it because the location didn't have air conditioning and I didn't want to die so I bought another dress a couple days before my grad. This dress has never been worn (sad truth) so I was excited to use it for this look! 10/30/2012 0 Comments Halloween | MermaidHello!
I have ALWAYS loved the Little Mermaid and she was one of many reasons I wanted to be a red head from such a young age. Unfortunately I never did a Halloween as Ariel when I was a red head (nor did I do Poison Ivy -- which I'm still kicking myself about) but here is my mermaid look. I don't have a costume for this look but I'm sure I get some bonus points for the outfit I did wear in these photos ;) 10/30/2012 0 Comments Halloween | Sugar SkullHello!
This look was by far the longest to complete and the hardest to do, although it looks very simple. You need patience and a steady hand for this look but I think it is awesome and there are sooooo many variations to this look that you do can do just about anything you want. I didn't go crazy with colour, just the pop around the eyes, but I've seen some amazing coloured ones. 10/28/2012 0 Comments Halloween | Bumble BeeHello!
Last Halloween I attended my campus' annual Halloween Pub as a bumble bee; but not quite the same outfit as these pictures. I was a bumble bee in grade 12 and got this costume for $10 at Claire's because I was going out with my best friend and her little sister. It was my last official trick or treating Halloween! 10/28/2012 0 Comments Halloween | DollHello!
Here is look number two! I was originally going to do a more Rag Doll type look but kind of liked the creepiness I got from the look when I was actually filming. Has a bit of a Chucky thing going on. Unfortunately the video footage of this tutorial mysteriously disappeared from my computer AND I had already deleted it from my camera SO this will be a written tutorial! 10/28/2012 0 Comments Halloween | Greek GoddessHello!
This is the first of many posts on Halloween Looks that I've done this year. There are eight, that's right, eight. Editing them is crazy and they will each have an individual post! These will show you some more looks of the makeup (& costume/outfit if I have one) as well as list the products I used for the look. Hope you enjoy! |
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