2/2/2014 0 Comments Recap | January, The Beginning![]() So I've decided as a way to keep you guys in the loop of my daily life without having to post every day about it, and also to get me to appreciate more of the good and let go of the not so good, that I'm going to do monthly recap posts. I will also add links to any posts/videos I had this month so you can catch-up in one spot! So my January... Oh, and they may not always be at the very end of the month but if we're nearing the end and there is nothing else that I think will pop up, and I can always add it later aha... Anyways, my January has been a very interesting one indeed, with the New Year comes all the self-promises and make-life-better ideas that we give ourselves (and many if not most of us, fail). I haven't really done anything to move myself towards my goals of 2014 or any of my smaller resolutions but I'm changing that right now. This month has been quite hectic for me and actually the most stressful month of my program so far and that's saying a lot. I've had a presentation that stressed me out which I ended up getting a 93% on (BOOYAH BABY), I've been in a middle school for a placement this month and I finish this weekend and that experience has been unique. It was much different experience to the high school setting I was in first term and I had quite an adjustment to make. And I haven't been bake to get things done that I've really wanted to which is very frustrating. But I'm going to put an end to that right now. This month I'm really going to push for my goals, I need to pace myself with what I put on my plate and I think when I get too overwhelmed with stuff I want/need to do I just give up on the lot. But one thing I will insist upon for myself in drinking more water and getting into a workout routine. This month I've been complaining a lot about wanting to work out but not having time and when I have time I just forget or avoid it. I am transitioning into a new school schedule (going back into high school setting) so I am going to plan accordingly and stick to it OR I may give myself a flexible schedule but make sure to hold myself accountable for x number of workouts a week. I am going to sit down this week to plan it all out and start to implement it ASAP. I found this e-card that totally sums up how I've been feeling about my body recently and I just feel more defeated about my fitness than I have in the last couple years. I have also had a super hard time with uploading regularly and posting regularly with my latest schedule but trust me when I say, it's driving me crazy too. I've been asked recently if I'm going to just shut'er down and call it quits because I just can't post as much as other bloggers and I really don't want to. I don't even want to take a hiatus (officially, I know it's seemed like I have) because I want to do so much with my blog this year and I don't feel I can do that if I start the year with time off. I will find a way, even if I only post once a week, I want to commit to at least that. I have a blogging planner that I picked up to help with this scheduling so it's another thing that I need to carve out time for regardless of what else is going on. One of the more exciting and uplifting things that happened this month is that I went to an education career fair the first week if January and spoke to several agencies about teaching in England for a year starting this September. I hit it off with them all and am on my way to deciding who I want to work with for interviews and whether or not I'm going to start off as supply or jump right into a full-time/long-term position. I'm super excited about this opportunity and as always I'm getting ahead of myself in my thinking/planning but that's half the fun! So if all goes to plan I'll be moving overseas end of August and in/around London until mid-July of 2015. So I would definitely LOVE to try and meet up with some UK bloggers/YouTubers (Shirley, Patricia, Fleur, Sam, and more) since I'll be there for quite some time. But I don't know if any of this is even going to happen yet but we shall see! Those have been the major things going on in the month but a couple of fun things to add is that I'm doing a bedroom makeover that is going to take a couple months to shape up but it requires some paint and I'm not crazy enough to try to paint in the dead of winter, noooo thank you! With that comes a fun DIY for a chalkboard in my room and some wall art pieces with quotes. The other thing is I've begun feeling a little bored with my hair again so perhaps a change is in order. But that still needs a fair bit of thought before I do anything dramatic. So that's about it, I'm going to go make myself a large cup of tea and perhaps some soup as I had the unfortunate situation of waking up sick. I feel the first week of February will be a long one... xo
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