3/13/2014 0 Comments Recap | February, The Freezing Another month come and gone. This month has been busy and a few ups and downs but one big triumph overall for the month was my fitness. Around mid-month I began two 30 Day Challenges, the Squat Challenge and the Abs Challenge, and I was determined to do it and see a difference. A friend of mine had previous done both and said that she saw more result with the squat challenge than the abs challenge but I figured I'd give it a shot and see my results. It was definitely a bit trying, but the first week I was knocking it all off NO problem and I was even able to add in upper body workouts and leg days during the week. I was pretty impressed, then it got a little more challenging, or I was feeling a bit tired and I started to do the workout as a circuit because I wasn't able to do all of one exercise at once (i.e. 100 squats or 55 sit ups -- don't judge haha). I had to take a couple extra rest days in that week, and that threw me off a day or so which then come March had me fall off the wagon. I was starting to feel results and even see a tiny bit of change, maybe I was just over excited but I felt a difference. Another thing that I started this month was a new breakfast cereal, and omg it's amazing. I'm someone that NEEDS to have breakfast or I'll feel sick and crap all day. I've always been like that but I'm not a super healthy breakfast person either. My dad is very health oriented (as I'm sure I've mentioned in the past) so when I was little I was allowed to have more sugary breakfasts before he decided that was a no-go. Lucky Charms was my all-time favourite cereal, followed by Honeycombs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. But for the last dozen years or so I've been eating either Honeynut Cheerios, Honeycombs (as the odd treat), Life cereal and sometimes other random brands. But HNC have been my staple. I know they still aren't the best but I've enjoyed them, until now, now I am sharing a cereal with my dad that is a granola. This stuff is magic. I'm notorious for filling up my bowl with cereal, because I'm starving when I wake up, but with this cereal the recommended serving size of 1/3 cup ACTUALLY FILLS ME UP! (Who'da thunk it aha) I'll post a few photos, I think it's only available in Canada because it's a No Name product but it keeps me full for much longer, and I add in extra raisins to it. It's also a great snack if you are on the go. I think that's helped me a lot this month with my health kick. Sorry this is totally turning into a health post, I'll save the rest of my comments for another Fitness post/update. As for school, just been working on various assignments, finished up my elementary placement first week of Feb. Got my class little Valentine cards & pencils (since they were always complaining about only having one aha) and on my last day we had lots of fun. We watched The Croods, part of the Olympic opening ceremony, we had an Earth Rangers presentation where I went up against the Principle in a pictionary challenge (we tied aha) and finally my class through me a Talent Show and some of my kids sang/rapped and danced for me. I even sang a bit for them (having just recovered from a wicked cough/cold) which they loved and I got a few "Miss why aren't you famous?!" comments which made my day. I just sang a verse of Jesus Take the Wheel while the next group got ready to perform :). Also I got lots of cards from students and classes & one of my students made me up a little gift basket filled with chocolate, candy and "22 Reasons you're the best teacher". My heart melted. Then the next week we were suppose to start our high school placements but our first day was deemed optional because we had only just got our school list the day before and my Mentor Teacher (MT) was going to be away on the Friday. So basically I had a 5 day weekend because the Monday was Family Day (boo yah!) and it felt so great to have some time off. The next week I met my MT and my students, I'm teaching two grade 9 academic Geography classes (which I taught last semester so I already have some lessons planned) and observing/occasionally teaching a grade 12 university Family Studies course. I love my kids and my MT is PHENOMENAL, we hit it off on day one and she is so organized that it was easy for us to work out a schedule for while I'm there. Which believe me is a blessing & luxury not everyone gets. That about sums up February, I'm sure March will be madness with assignments & classes coming to an end as well as gearing up for my final 4 week teaching block! I hope to get out videos more consistently next month and some more blog posts. If you have an video suggestions or makeup looks that have inspired please send them to my Twitter, or Instagram with #sydneexo or on my Facebook page. I'd love to know what you'd like to see. xo
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